Routine Context Heuristics
- Repeating patterns and events
- Clear cause and effect
- Defined relationships
- Known knowns
- Outcomes and risks are measurable and quantifiable
- Clear stopping points
- General agreement about the problem
- A history of past solutions exists
- The situation is relatively stable
- Stakeholders can control the system
- Few alternatives exist
Standard work
- Use regulation to maintain stability
- Use integration to increase efficiency
- Develop experts
- Know what is known
- Establish economies of scale
- Grow in size to grow returns
- Communicate clearly and directly
- Benchmark competition and evaluate best practices
- Implement clear and concise procedures and processes
- Use planning to regulate work
- Eliminate bottlenecks and constraints
- Define roles and accountability clearly
- Establish quantitative goals, incentives, and metrics
- Set limits for behavior
- Audit work for compliance with standards
Warning signs
- Applying routine context actions in complicated or messy contexts
- Complacency and ignoring new information
- Processes fail or are not followed
- Change processes are cumbersome
- Delays in surfacing or acting on problems and opportunities
- Avoiding blame takes precedence over improvement
- Shifts in the environment or market
- Rule-beating behavior
- A drift towards lower performance
- High deficits and leverage
- Dependence on accurate forecasting
- Risk identification becomes complacent
Proactive work
- Invest in on-the-job training and mentoring
- Create communication channels to challenge convention
- Stay connected without micromanaging
- Engage in continuous improvement
- Create contingency plans
- Conduct scenario planning
- Reduce dependency on accurate forecasting by decreasing reaction time